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51 posts

<mouse down?> problem

This seems to be a minor glitch, found by a friend of mine when she helped debugging my project. It affects both the offline and the online player. After clicking the green flag, the value of
<mouse down?>
remains TRUE until the mouse pointer is moved away. Although I suppose not moving the mouse after starting a project is something that rarely happens, the problem seems to affect all projects which start with a title screen and wait for the user's second click to actually start the project, or wait for an initial mouse click for any other reason.

Update: Here's a simple demonstration.

Last edited by mekizmo (March 22, 2015 00:01:05)

— check out this and this
100+ posts

<mouse down?> problem

It's just the nature of the block, if you need a fix:
When green flag clicked
Wait [1] seconds
If <mouse down?> then
Broadcast start
(Sorry if it doesn't work, placing the block codes doesn't work on IPad, so I have to type it.)

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51 posts

<mouse down?> problem

Why would it be the nature of the block?

Your code doesn't fix the general problem. The user may leave the mouse pointer over te green flag for a longer period of time (e.g. because she wants to use the keyboard with both hands).

— check out this and this
100+ posts

<mouse down?> problem

mekizmo wrote:

Why would it be the nature of the block?

Your code doesn't fix the general problem. The user may leave the mouse pointer over the green flag for a longer period of time (e.g. because she wants to use the keyboard with both hands).
It's just how the block works. You can always put a warning. If they don't read it, then too bad for them. It really can't be fixed.

Please tell me why I like this Chara-cter?
CLick the image to go to the creator's deviantart.
51 posts

<mouse down?> problem

Why can't it be fixed? :-)

— check out this and this
51 posts

<mouse down?> problem

I mean, it is just a minor glitch, it definitely looks like something that could be fixed, so that the block won't work improperly.

— check out this and this
1000+ posts

<mouse down?> problem

That block reports if the mouse is down anywhere on the Scratch program. Even if you're dragging scripts around in See Inside mode it still reports true.
As far as I'm aware it's intentional.
You could use,
when green flag clicked
wait until <not <mouse down?>> //Waits until the user has let go of the left mouse button.
if <mouse down?> then

No I don't make projects anymore. I left some time ago.
I only check the forums every now and then, but other than that consider me retired.
51 posts

<mouse down?> problem

My problem is that in the case described above the mouse is not down, and still the block reports true. I don't see why this would be intentional. But thanks anyway, your code solves the practical part of it. :-)

— check out this and this
1000+ posts

<mouse down?> problem

Been reported before.

10 !
ScratchVaders or Galaga?
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51 posts

<mouse down?> problem

drmcw wrote:

Been reported before.
Oh thanks. Sorry then. :-) It wasn't on the official list.

Last edited by mekizmo (March 22, 2015 14:09:37)

— check out this and this
1000+ posts

<mouse down?> problem

mekizmo wrote:

drmcw wrote:

Been reported before.
Oh thanks. Sorry then. :-) It wasn't on the official list.

Doesn't really matter but maybe it will maybe it won't?

10 !
ScratchVaders or Galaga?
Maybe Eliza can help you decide?
51 posts

<mouse down?> problem

I'm ok with that! :-)

In fact I'm stilll learning what counts as a glitch in the working of a block and what as part of the “nature of the block” here…

— check out this and this
New to Scratch
1 post

<mouse down?> problem

when green flag clicked
wait until <not <mouse down?>>
if <> then
if <mouse down?> then


Last edited by mxf26 (May 18, 2024 21:41:09)

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