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29 posts

Why there are no projects in the homepage only the Projects Loved by Scratchers I'm Following thing.

Yesterday, i was back and then, missing projects in the homepage have seen from me!
Please fix it!
when I receive [end v]
speak [From Benny from BigBoxStudios479.] :: extension
35 posts

Why there are no projects in the homepage only the Projects Loved by Scratchers I'm Following thing.

This has been happening daily for about 4 days now, and most of the people I've seen have complained about this. It's most likely because your browser requires a GET request.

For more info I request you go to this link provided: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/760200/
500+ posts

Why there are no projects in the homepage only the Projects Loved by Scratchers I'm Following thing.

BigBoxStudios479 wrote:

Yesterday, i was back and then, missing projects in the homepage have seen from me!
Please fix it!
when I receive [end v]
speak [From Benny from BigBoxStudios479.] :: extension[/quote]
This has been happening to hundreds, maybe even thousands (or millions), of users lately.

If you are seeing this, you've found my old signature because my banner isn't loading for some reason. It is most likely due to your system admin blocking cubeupload, or because it simply hasn't loaded yet. Comment ‘null5’ on my profile to show you found the secret.

Manager of Quantum Games and Quantum Software
Are you an experienced Scratcher? Join the Jurassic Park: Security Shift Development Team at https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34523787

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