Wariors of the Tundra
This is a Rpg just like -Nightfire-'s Rpg. Not stealing ideas but I am now reading Warior cat books so i made this rpg! This is the Rpg where you have 3 tribes. Artic, Frost, and the most powerful clan Tundra. The Tundra clan has the most powers. Frostclan lives by a frozenlake on Blizzard mountain. Tundraclan lives on the Tundra near the frozen fields. Articclan live in underwater in lake Frosty. The houses:Everybody live in Igloos made of solid ice and snow. Starclan has a special shrine in Tundraclans camp. Tribes: Artic: Leader:Froststar Deputy:- Wariors:- kits:- Medcats:- Apprentices:- Frost Clan: Leader:Icestar Deputy:- Wariors:- kits:- Medcats:Icefoot Apprentices:- Tundraclan: Leader:Poolstar Deputy:-Blizzardcrush Wariors:- kits:- Medcats:- Apprentices:- ANYBODY CAN USE THESE LEADERS UNTIL THEY DIE!


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