Star Wars: Prequels RP
This studio will take place at the start of the prequels, at Episode One. It will continue until we reach Episode Three. It will then Link to the Rise of the Empire RP. All events of this studio will effect Rise of the Empire season 4 in some way. It will be linear, and we are currently in Episode 1. Rico's Brigade is considered canon in this studio Please do not interrupt/interfere with Legends of The 95th, a series about Annihilator and how he gained his reputation. (Hope may be included in one of them) The same goes for Charlie Squad Origins series Rules: 1. hate character not the Scratcher 2. keep it PG-13 3. only kill an OC if you have permission 4. give feedback 5. Only add related projects Bio: Name//Age//Gender//Sexuality//race//homeworld//Jedi or not//Lightsaber color(Jedi only)//friends//family//crush Jedi: Plo Koon: @DarthDurinsBANEling Allyn Tellvek: @Clan_Wren Civilians: Keila Avdoj: @Darth_Llama Senators: Bail Organa: @eeshkawumba Sheev Palpatine: Clones (for later): Rico: Sarge: @eeshkawumba Rookie: Mental: Droids (for later): none Separatists: Nute Gunray: General Grievous: @irontiger22 Count Dooku: @irontiger22 (R.I.P. Christopher Lee) The 95th: Captain Annihilator: @eeshkawumba Lieutenant Reaper: @eeshkawumba Sergeant Skull: @eeshkawumba ARC Trooper Terror: @eeshkawumba Commando Blaze: @eeshkawumba >News<: None yet