Put your Top Ten Eddsworld OTPs In the Comments!
kk so I'll copy past yours here @Sparkleswombat 1- TomTord 2- Paultryk 3- TomEdd 4- EddMatt 5- TordEdd 6- Jonwaudo 7- MattTord 8- TomMatt 9- MattMatt 10- Jon x Stupidity @reTORD_46 MATTXMATT,EDDXCOLA,TOMXTORD,PAULTRYK,JONXSTUPIDITY,AND EDDMATT, to name a few ;3 @fnafponymations eddmatt / tomtord / paultryk / mattord / jonuardo / scribble tom and tommattoredd / uhh I think that's it :v