Eevee Burrow

We Have To Unite. we can help
the poor. all have to be friends of Eevees or Eevees or Eeveelutions.
Kyliebell100, I know you will be sylveon! Hey guys! if you wanna join
add yourself in the book! remember to duplicate a page for others. you better not add too many non pokemon stuff (max = 39) the max will get higher and higher and get to 1000
About to have Eevees:
Baby Eevees:LightFur*
Eevee Buddies (other pokemon):
Twilight, Kiara
a * means a pokemon is shiny.
a ^ means a pokemon is Ledgendary.
a ^^ means a pokemon is mythical.
please dont remove curators. i want them for a reason.