YouTube Thumbnail & Logo Competition

Hello everybody!
I know i haven't been active for a wile!
I need help with my YouTube channel that i will be creating!
If you are good at drawing (especially wolfs) im giving you the opportunity to create channel art/logo for my channel!
So i will be holding a competition to find the best drawer with the best art for my channel!
You can either make me Channel art, or a logo, or both!
If you are excepted into the competition, pls let me know what you are going to make.
To enter you must give me 3 examples of your best art, if i like your style of drawing then i will offer you a place in the competition.
Pls do not be offended if i do not select you to be apart of the competition.
I would prefer if you didn't use scratch to draw your entry. Two drawing programs i recommend are:
-Fire Alpaca
The logo/channel art must have wolf/s in it. I would like them to be cute, sooooo if your good at drawing cute things them join!
Conditions for entry
-needs to involve wolfs (kawaii)
-Must be completed in 2 weeks
-needs to be approprite (no violence)
-Make it cute!!!
-Channel art must have my name in it _wolfzyyy_
Channel art
~ @cs1474957
~ @MajorityBrush48
Have fun!!!