Onxy winter camp (OPEN FOR SIGN-UPS)
Find the real studio here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4137984/curators/ ------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the Onxy Winter camp 2017! Here you will learn how to properly do stuff with Onxys! XD Anyways, 4 campers will be in each cabin (studio) and 1 counselor. RULES TO GET IN: -You must have an Onxy if a conselor -Be nice -Send a link to your Onxy bio if you have one -Have fun ------------------------------ Camper Bio Username)Nickname)Cabin preferred) Link to Onxy (if have one)) How long have had Onxy -------------------------------- Counselor Bio Username)Nickname)Cabin preferred) Link to Onxy) How long have you been on scratch AND with you Onxy) ----------------------------------- Land Onxy Cabins: Counselor: Campers: ---------------------- Water Onxy Cabins: Counselor: Campers: ------------------- Mountain Onxy Cabins: Counselor: Campers:


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