Sleepover rp
❤PLEASE PUT YOUR CHARACTER INFO IN HERE! thank you! (this can be for girls and boys) ❤ @CRAFTHALEY379 Lily/lila (IN PICTURE to the right),16 1/2, Secretly a demon but tries to hide it. , looks like a goody two shoes but really isn't , skips class a lot, sometimes flirty, sleeps in class a lot cute, pretty, cheerleader, best friends with emma , always wears pink and either white or black, blonde hair down to her waist, Has powers LIKES: the color black, flirty guys DISLIKES: cats Crush: Arata @xxXToy_BonnieXxx Arata//17//boy//mage//demon lord//strong, funny, nice//blackish blue hair, khakis, white button up shirt with black long sleeve school shirt overtop, and red tie


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