Hollowclan, Birchclan, Lakeclan (Warriors RP)
You WILL be removed if your cat is inactive for 30 days UPDATES TO COME: Medicine cat herbs, clan bio, cat bio, rules... Birchclan- Extremely long claws and teeth. They are quick thinkers but their balance and lack of speed show their true power. prey- Voles, mice, rabbits. Rarely birds Lakeclan- Extremely large paws to help them swim. They have strong paws which also help them to flick up fish. They lack the strength to jump high and they have bad balance. prey- Fish, and frogs. Occasionally voles and mice. Hollowclan- strong pads and extra long tails to help with balance. High jumpers and fast runners. prey- Birds, mice, rabbits and rarely voles. UP TO 5 CATS ONLY!!! MANAGERS GET AS MANY AS WANTED!!! LEADERS HAVE TO DIE EVENTUALLY!!! IF U R LEADER OF ONE CLAN YOU CANNOT BE LEADER OF ANOTHER!!! SAME WITH MEDICINE CATS AND DEPUTY!!! Leaders have to choose a deputy! if you want to have a really good bonus then you must have a massive downer like: Very strong but is very small HOLLOWCLAN- Leader: Lightningstar Deputy: Medicine cat:Willowwind Lunawing06 MED Apprentice: Shalae @WolfOfSouls Warriors: Stoneclaw: TheFuriousNightFury Apprentices: Silentpaw: Lunawing06 Shadypaw: Hollowwind Queens: Kits:Drizzlekit: ravenpawlove Elders: BIRCHCLAN- leader: Deputy: Scorchfang: Hollowwind Medicine cat: Blackmoon: Hollowwind Medicine app: Warriors: Blueflight: @Hollowwind Apprentices: Queens: Kits: Elders: Brokenheart: @Hollowwind LAKECLAN- Leader: Brightstar @Hollowwind Deputy: Medicine cat: Rivermoon: @SnowyRiverArt Medicine app: Warriors: Queens: Kits: Elders: Rouge/loner/kittypet: Switch: @SandWhisker33 Tabatha: @Hollowwind Hollowwind: @Hollowwind