Esther Games

I have another studio called Esther episodes, but I didn't have a studio for all my games, so I decided to create one.
BTW i don't really make games, so most of them are old.
(I'm also not that good at making games)
By: rubicscuber8
My favourite games that ive made are boba creator, colouring area, pokemon game and your own pet.
--- RULES ---
1. No fighting
2. No changing thumbnail
3. only add Esther projects
If there are any complaints or problems with one of my games I will try and fix it.
Thumbnail maker: rubicscuber8
Managers: LillyBlue-8th, piramidcuber5.
I am programming my first platformer. It will be released soon.
you wont have to keep scrolling through my projects anymore to find my games. :)