Cardboard: a lil area to chill :)

welcome to the cardboard town, a place just for cardboard, idk why i made this ngl
join rules
-you must have some cardboard somewhere, it could be an easter egg in a game but have some cardboard somewhere
-just be nice to the cardboard
-if you want cardboard then ask
@lilpc-no he will tell you if they are in stock
-ya can RP but not too much, just every once and a while so its not just a RP studio
-just dont be too rude, unless your joking, but still I will check
( i might make a game about dis )
-=-=-=-=-=-cardboard cafe-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-eggs and toast 4.23$
-root beer 1.50$ ( no beer as i dont want drunk cardboard )
-croissant 0.30$
-chicken borgore 3.48$
-juice 1.24$
-chicken wing 2.40$
-coke 1.24$
-fanta 1.45$
-EGG ???.???$
-they exist
cul-i mean devot- no uhhhhhh :| oh ye
your box is a lil wet
bones :)
you are not a PC anymore :|