|| Nikki has so many accounts why is she like this||
Current count: 41 --------------------------------------- Yeah It's an account collection studio welcome and don't break rules yippee --------------------------------------- Names + Typing quirk used [☎️] @BonesAndMushrooms (Main) [☎️] @FleshOrFlowers (Evil twin) [☎️] @TheCrowAbove [☎️] @joeshauling [☎️] @BodurTheClumsy [☎️] @CaptianNo [☎️] @UdabnTheFeared [☎️] @TallyHallsNike [☎️] @LocalBoneDragon [☎️] @Tallylingo [☎️] @-sElf- [☎️] @Men_Birds_and_Teeth [☎️/None] @RealEmployee427 [☎️/None] @RizzFederman [☎️/None] @TheGermanDoctor [None] @CrazyFood- [None] @GuyOnReguIarScratch [None] @SPlRTLaRat [None] @HalfLifeGnome [None] @Headcrab_of_GWDFI [None] @Human_Airy [None] @TextyHfj [None] @Evil-JoeHawley [None] @CowgirlOfGWDFI [✿]@AvrilsRoseGarden [>] @Aperture-GLaDOS [⛈️☘️] @Minimall-of-GWDFI [⛈️☘️] @Heart_Mind_Soul [⛈️☘️] @ZubinFlower [⛈️☘️] @SpaghettiBath [⛈️☘️] @WeirdBed [⛈️☘️] @yogaisonethingbut [⛈️☘️] @TheHallisHereForYall [⛈️☘️] @TwoWuvIsTwoSuffer [◼️Text◻️] @TaIlyHall [️⛱] @resident_simon [⌚] @THERULEROFEVERYTHlNG [⛹️] @indespair [_10mil_] @TheGermanYippee --------------------------------------- I'm normal!! Normal! Chat: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34305185/


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