Cats of the Valley -An RP-
Ok! So there's Birch Clan, Pine Clan, in the taiga forests (West), Poppy takes up the sweeping tundra meadows (East), at the base of six rolling mountains you have Heather and Frost Clans (North) and finally Salmon by the river (South) Also there is the Outcast Outpost, where outcasted cats camp. Birch: Kind, gentle, weakest but plentiful food Pine: Strong but not, ya know, evil, usually fair... Poppy: Best territory, your average clan... Evil??? Heather: Strong, loyal but also stick-to-the-rules kinda cats Frost: Hardy, fair, strong, tough Salmon: Average, kind, like swimming Outcast Outpost: Unique, seen as strange, kind community, untrustworthy