Yes to rps now -------------------------------------------- If you want to add a cat, Please tell me in the comments and you may not put it in Sunclan untill you recieved my permission. Name//gender//rank//(If apprentice, mentor here)//personality//looks -------------------------------------------- Welcome to Sunclan! If you want to join this clan, please tell me in the comments. Once you are a curator, make a cat you want to be and add info about the cat (Example: name of the cat, rank, gender) Rules: 1. People can add as many cats as they want. 2. If you are a kit, you can ask a queen if you can be their kit. (If a kit was lost and came to the clan, they don't have to have a mother.) 3. If you are an apprentice, ask a Warrior/Leader/Deputy/Med-cat to be their apprentice. 4. If someone asks you to be your cat's apprentice/kit, you may refuse. 5. Hate the cat, not the person. Credits to @qwertasdfgyuiophjkl for part of the discription. ----------------------------------------- Leader: Skystar (@JLE14) Deputy: Moonfur (@JLE14) Medicine-cat: Sunleaf (@JLE14) Dawnspark (@Silvershine-1) Warriors: Twilightshine (@Lilyshine-2) Leafshade (@WarriorCat_1245) Eagletali (WarriorCat_1245) Feathersky (@Mjskyerose) Graypebble (@CatsRulelovecats) Spotstreak (@WINTERWACHER2) Scorchwing (@w-a-r-r-i-o-r) Appentices: Silverpaw (@JLE14) Starlingpaw (@w-a-r-r-i-o-r) Queens: Bluewing (@Lilyshine-2) Kits: Stonekit, Riverkit Rosepelt (RS052013) Kits: Stonekit (JLE14) Riverkit (JLE14) Elders: Honeyscar (Lilyshine-2) ------------------------------------------- BreezeClan: StreamClan: 03 Gathering: Starclan: