untitled remix chain REVIVED

since the owner of the og studio (rike_spike) is no longer active.
i decided to make it as a revival.
from the series of the remix chain
chapter 1: scratch's catings
chapter 2: glass breaking
chapter 3: the short-lived life of purple screaming man
chapter 4: ukrainian pig
chapter 5: i start posting
chapter 6: ukrain pig is too strong
chapter 7: more people get in
chapter 8: the pig gets taken care of
chapter 9: ok he died
chapter 10: spinny
chapter 11: robwer2 watermark
chapter 12: spreading watermark
chapter 13: infinite hole
chapter 14: dvd logo
chapter 15: heavy is dead
chapter 16: clup bennguin
chapter 17: famedelf saga
chapter 18: random era begins
chapter 19: M2
chapter 20: Scratch on TV
people that did:
original: @robwer2
first remix: @Slava441
third showing up: @dimonator2014 (now @T_is_real)
hell: rike_spike
made cool things idk: @CircleBfba
randomly appeared: @famedelf
i asked him to add something: @mrdotmason
captainmoondog: remixes too
randomly appeared 2: Malloc62 (now colorplex)
randomly appeared 3: Slothy_10000
i asked kh to remix it: MyISFRKHtehKIRBYfan