Lost in the forest. Rp
@wacky_Water is making a comic called lost in the forest about Soar'tail a starclan cat who woke up after being knocked out but was in the dark forest and the only cat around was a cat who killed 7 of his mates Deep'red also known as Crowe The father of bloodystar The very evil and murderous leader of riverclan. This is the studio where yall make cameos and roleplay as them. Form : Name // Dark f or Star c ? // Gender // Pronowns // Sexuality // backstory // ( answer only if df ) Crime committed // (answer only if sc ) good or bad side? // personality // family // strengths // weaknesses // fears // did / will you read the comic? // other RULES: Absolutely no spoilers or you will be banished to the shadow realm and the same punishment goes to bullying, hate, being disrespectful, guilt tripping, false reporting, framing, and removing curators and other managers. you can only be a manager if you are a friend of @Wacky_water you cannot add unrelated content to this. "PLEase TEll Me IF YOU waNT YOUR CAMeo IN thE ComIC " @wacky_water also make as many as u want my gamers


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