angelic diamonds ★ shop
☆ ★ ☆. ↳ welcome to angelic diamonds shop! ♻ contents 1. introduction 2.what we sell 3. how to pay 4. employees + management group 5. notes + credits + forms ♡ intro ᵔᴗᵔ !! hello we are a set group that is open tuesday - thursday. We employ people who are active and put there time into there sets and are respectful. Sometimes, you will get an invitation which expires at some point. Only manager (@piercedhearts,@kzuawya) are allowed to accept forms to become an employee. Employees are allowed to accept requests for sometime a customer is buying. For banners/thumbnails employees at least have a folder or somewhere to keep purchases. We are angelic diamonds up in the clouds! ♡ what we sell 1. banner/tumbnails (closed) 2.sets 3. bios + wiwo ♡ how to pay 5$ = follow them (at least for how long you use the item you purchase) 3$ = like project 10$ = favorite project 15$ = follow this studio or there’s ♡ employees + management group @kzuawya + piercedhearts (worker/manager) @izonewrld/yua (worker/co manger) @kyoshia (banner/thumbs + sets) we just opened so ofc we are now hiring! ♡ notes + credits + forms purchases; username//date//what u are buying// have you payed// what did you do to pay//are you a follower/member// do you have any coupons// user to tell when order is ready// please tell us what else would like based on ur order for example what font for ur banner. // notes. workers; user//date//how active from scale of ten// will you be upset if not accepted// any other accounts? Is so list one of them u are active on. If not say no. // name // favorite candy?// what job do u want for workers; tell us in our gc if anything happens or ur off ♡visit us again! angelic diamonds star.