--WELCOME TO THE X_FILES-- -RULES- -Don't be rude. -No free advertising, you gotta pay first! -If you're PROMOTED, please ask before making changes (adding people, changing desc, etc.) :AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: -Give me your earthly possessions for EPIC exposure B) pls pls check out the comments I'd love to see content based around the characters I've made, but it's not the only stuff allowed on here. Please feel free to ask questions about character lore! I'd love to talk about my characters and their worlds. I'll make something for this soon, but if you have an EXE that you want me to feature, make a project (Or if you wait long enough I'll make a thing you can fill out) that contains a drawing of the character, their story, and their name. Nothing more, nothing less. Thats about it lolol