The Society of the Secret MoonStone Rp
NEW RP: About: A mysterious person arrives at your doorstep. They whisper to you " Come." They take your hand and lead you away. Fill in this form: Name||Age||Gender||Looks||Personality beforehand||about||Other||Hobbie Students: .Tiny (20) .Key (4) .Allegra Solo (21) .Voodoo (12)Blend into surroundings .Peridot (14)Controls wind .Lily (14)Shapeshifter (@The-Pink-Girl) .Kira (12)Inivisibility .Epsjulie (12) .Estelle (12) .Arya (12) .Juniper (13) .Dawn (12) .Dusk (12) .Alex (13) .Vanessa (15) .Bea Lopez (15)Can breath underwater .Angelica Blue (13) Super speed .Prisha (12) .Ellie (14) .Eyana (13) .Mischief (21) .Lock (4)Telepathy .Rose (13)Can talk with animals .Lizzy (4)Super senses .Tilly (14) .Lapin (13) X-Ray vision (@Tea_Witch) .Lychi (12) .Y (17) .Rad (15) .Rhea (15) .Marilina Sklovanya (16) .Emerald Johns (18) .Kay (14) .Amal (14) .Cho (13) .Emily (8) .Sophie (12) .Lacy (14) Telepathy (@GreekQueen1) .Gwynn (15) Tells the future .Eliza (9) .Moon Stone (Unknown) .Misty (16) Flying and speed (Elixr5_19873) .Fawn (3) .Jerico (16) .Mayko (17) .Silence (17) .Daze (16) Teachers: . Ms. Laura- 7 and under teacher . Ms. Eleanor- 8 and above teacher


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