This is a studio for Arya and her friends! We ALL of the same friends! >u< RANKING: Managers: IRL friends! Curators: Online friends! Blacklist: You cannot talk to me, if you do - it will be reported and deleted, the only way to get off of it is if you follow me and love all of my current projects and are nice- or its a NO Yeah- That is a follow and things for all of the managers! ♡ IRL FRIENDS ♡ ♡ About Arya ♡ Pronouns: She/her/they Fave text emoji: ;-; or >u< Instrument: Piccolo/Colorguard Fave color: Violet Draws: Furries, cats, humans, and more! Scratch: @Arya-Skies ♡ About Bun-Bun ♡ Pronouns: She/her/they Fave text emoji: <3 Instrument: Saxophone Fave color: Blue Draws: Cats and furries Scratch: @-Nova-Galaxy- ♡ About Winter ♡ Pronouns: She/her/they Fave text emoji: >:3 Instrument: Flute Fave color: Orange Draws: Cats, dragons, and humans! Scratch: @WinterSkys82 ♡ ONLINE FRIENDS ♡ ♡About Chippy♡ Pronouns: She/her Fave text emoji: :D Instrument: I don't play one Fave color: Brown I guess Draws: Nothing but sometimes cats but they are very hard! Scratch: @ChippyDaChicken ✕ Blacklist ✕ ✕ @-Ranb0o- [] Former friend....removed me from everything so I don't want to even talk to you rn ✕


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