Scratch _Coder1534 ‘s fan club

Hey there!
This is the Official @Scratch_Coder1534 Fan Club, created to thank you for 116+Followers!
Following me but not invited? Just comment that you want to join and you'll be invited!
Curators can add any projects to this studio! Hopefully that gets your projects seen by more people. :)
To ensure that the studio doesn’t get any unwanted changes, only a select few people will be promoted to managers. (Guys, please don't keep asking to be promoted. :P If I'm going to promote you, I'll do it without you having to ask.)
Thank you if you decide to curate this Fan Club, or even if you don’t!
Notes to managers:
Feel free to invite more people to curate.
Feel free to remove curators that don’t belong.
Please don’t remove other managers.
Please don’t make changes to the studio’s description or title.
Please don’t promote anyone else to be a manager.
Don’t feel pressured to do anything if you don’t want to. I’m not trying to give you unwanted responsibilities, just letting you have more power over the studio!
Please keep in mind:
The reason I made my own fan club is because I needed an official one. There were already several others made by other people, but which one would people join? So I made this one for people to join if they want to. And of course you don't have to!