Midnightclan rp
This rp is just like anyother rp. Rules: Only alowed 1-3 ocs No bullying no swearing Hate the oc not the person No special powers Be nice No killing other ocs without the owners permission If you do not follow the rules you will be banned. Fill out this form to join Name//gender//looks//personality//rank//likes//dislikes//family//age//crush//mate//kits//other Midnightclan: Leader: Moonstar @Heatherstripe Duputy: Cloverleaf @turquoise_snakes Warriors: Stormtail @Cedartail555 Adderfur @Firestar576 Frostpelt @Sandfly360 Falconstrike @Vaporeon_Moonspirit Talonheart @Sorreltail10 Rosetail @Ivypool103 Nightfern @Daisytuft Moonpelt @unicorngirl677 Med cat: Yellowtail @Cinderheart213 Med cat apprentice: Apprentices: Violetpaw @Fernpool1 Eaglepaw @Moorshadow Applepaw @momoyn Queens: Kits: Silverkit @Leafpool343 Elders: Rouges:Shardstar @Ponywinner Kittypets: Loners: Relationships: < = on why crush <> = two why crush ^ = enemys - = mates & = mentor and apprentice * = siblings Cloverleaf&Violetpaw Frostpelt-Cloverleaf Talonheart*Falonstrike Moonstar&Eaglepaw Nightfern<Stormtail Frostpelt*Yellowtail Frostpelt&Applepaw


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