ꕥ Denzell High ꕥ 「a Highschool RP」
————— ꕥ•Table Of Content:•ꕥ ♪ Backstory ♪ Rules ♪ Bio Template ♪ OCs & Roles ♪ Relationship Chart ♪ Dorms ♪ Manager Chat ♪ Other Info ♪ News ————— ꕥ•Backstory:•ꕥ welcome to Denzell High, where the nobles/powerful kids can come to learn to control their powers. This prestigious school is located in the kingdom’s capital. this school, although seemingly has noble-acting students, let us assure you, it’s all chaos-... from chickens flooding the classroom, to the entire school exploding with pink goo; the events are unpredictable. so let us welcome you with open arms, newbie!~ ————— ꕥ•Rules:•ꕥ ♪ Only @Spotlight_Studios and @cs5062497 can accept bios! ♪ No Mary/Gary/Berry Sues, yuck- ♪ No RPing unless your Bio is accepted by a Manager ♪ No Spam/Hate ;-; ♪ Keep at maximum: PG-13 (we still have kids here!!-) ♪ Only 2 characters if not invited, 4 for curators, and 6 for managers ^^ ♪ NOT ALL CHARACTERS CAN BE FEMALE!!! ♪ PLEASE BE DETAILED IN YOUR BIO!!! For example: personality can’t just be like “shy, cute, kind, snappy”, it has to be in depth; like “a shy person who has a attitude; but is very kind, giving off a bean-y vibe…” (this ^ is an example, don’t copy it-) ————— ꕥ•Bio Template •ꕥ Full Name ✩ Gender ✩ Age ✩ Species ✩ Powers (Opt.) ✩ Role ✩ Year at School (if in school) ✩ Dorm # (if in school) ✩ Looks ✩ Clothing ✩ Personality ✩ Likes/Dislikes ✩ Flaws ✩ Skills ✩ Backstory (Opt.) ✩ Crush ✩ Other ————— ꕥ•Characters/Roles:•ꕥ (School) Principal: Autumn Redwood (M) Vice-Principal: Teachers: Students: Valerie Rose (F), Mika Rose (F), Angel Apalasha (NB), Luna Lycan (F), Jax Kites (FTM), Kamoke Ichiwa (NB) Medics 0/2: Cooks 0/5: Student President: (Kingdom) King: Queen: Princesses/Princes: Mika Rose (F), Valerie Rose (F) Guards: Servants: Shopkeepers: Civilians: Hunters: Jax Kites (FTM) ————— ꕥ•Relationships:•ꕥ Key: Siblings ^ Friends # Best friends @ Enemies ! Crushing on < Crushing on each other <> Secretly crushing on <<< Secretly crushing on each other <<<>>> Thinking of breaking up with * Thinking of breaking up with each other & Cheating = Together $ Married + Parent : Siblings ~ Frememies ? ————— ꕥ•Dorms:•ꕥ #1: Mika, Zeke, Kamoke #2: Angel, , #3: Jax, , #4: Luna, , #5: , , #6: , , #7: , , #8: , , #9: , , ————— ꕥ•Manager Chat:•ꕥ What now? -Lily As you see, I did some things, let’s do the Bio thingy! - Fishy Fishy? Huh..ok!-Lily Pfft- yes I changed my name, it fits my personality a bit! -Fishy ok..-lily Look! Look! -fishy Cool! Invite ppl Sunday!-Lily ————— ꕥ•Other Info:•ꕥ ♪ Students’ age limit is 14-20 ♪ Teacher/Staff’s age limit is 29-45 ♪ Dorm numbers are: 1-9, 4 students each Season: Spring ————— ꕥ•News:•ꕥ (top-to-bottom = old-to-new) • [DONE] 6/7/21 ————— ꕥ•Creators: @Spotlight_Studios & @cs5062497 •ꕥ


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