a welcome back party for me lol (read desc pls)

Hihi friends!
It's me, @chillaxinpcpn, if any of you people here don't personally follow me (ooh maaaayyybe an implied suggestion????????)
You might've noticed I took a small break.
It was unexpected, and for personal reasons. But I'm back now! (yay!) Mostly I was just happy, y'all blessed me with 81 messages in total. xD isn't that crazy??!
I just wanted to let ya know, and I'm not dead or anything.
And I might have a less active schedule starting next week, of Monday, April 25th, if anyone's thinking about actual dates. I'll keep everyone updated or something. If you could just accept the curator invitation, it'll send you a message if I update the description, which I will if I want to let you all know what's going on. Or if you just remember to check it periodically, that would work too.
AnYwayS, thanks for listening to my speech, that is all.
Happy birthday to someone :D
From, your dear friend, or at least hopefully, Pine.
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