Screw Scratch, I'm moving my RPs to somewhere else.
>:( Muted. For a friggin hour. Screw this. Idek anymore- Prob this website I used with my cousin- Apparently, "hate" is a bad word, Metric. ACCEPT THE INVITE SO YOU CAN MANAGER CHAT WITH ME UvU where u gonna move uhm i might do pixilart or smthin Fury: Oof, I guess a lot of people are moving from scratch to pixilart. Leo: No duh, scratch sucks these days. Rinny: True tho- Rinny: Wait, my school comp. will not allow me there- QwQ Fog: Same, I'm on a school comp. Leo: Guess why I use incognito, and my username is tikitheweirdo xD Gardevoir: mines ‘Gardevoi’ I did it on accident Leo: xDDDDDDD Metric: Welp I have math now sooo- Gardevoir: I’m in ‘exploratory’ hmmm - Minecraft villager Pixar2000: uhh idk what to say lol Fury: I can't make account on it because I sent the email (twice) and it's not in my spam or anything (since I have a school email) qwq Cat: Scratch is not the best place for RP's XD Rinny: Hiya, I'm back-


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