GamerSaber stuff
I probably will only accept people I know in real life or know very well in Scratch or have really good projects and want to be curator. ✧ ----------------------------------------- News ✯ I am a Scratcher! Learning how to make avoidance games! @minecraft_pal got 300 followers! Go follow her! :D NOW!!! Or else I will steal your cookies!!! ✧ ----------------------------------------- People to follow ✯ @minecraft_pal @SparkyCodeMaster @ChickenArmstrong123 @TheBlueCane (old accounts are @platformerfan @TheGreenMile ✧ ----------------------------------------- To-do ✯ ✩ Make Avoidance Game ✧ ----------------------------------------- Other Types of Code I am learning ✯ ✩ HTML/CSS/JS ✩ Python ✩ C ✧ ----------------------------------------- Credits ✯ Layout - @minecraft_pal Symbol - https://coolsymbol.com/ Thumbnail - @minecraft_pal Creator - @GamerSaber Projects: @minecraft_pal , @platformerfan ( @TheGreenMile & @TheBlueCane ) , @GamerSaber. (THIS WAS SO OUT OF DATE)