"Shadows of Knowledge"-MOVIE-Always Active-WIP
I know some people have tried to copy MY studio, but I made this before them. If you catch any other people copying me, please tell, it’s not cool and I didn’t get credit, they just took my ideas, names, title. Thanks, and enter the thumbnail contest! :) UPDATE: **PARTICIPATION AWARD** JOIN THE THUMBNAIL CONTEST, RULES IN PROJECT Welcome to the official studio for my animated series, "Shadows of Knowledge" Title Credit: @StargazerTheHybrid1 LINES IN THE PROJECT IN THIS STUDIO! If you ask, I probably will add your OCs!!! UPCOMING EVENTS! -Teaser -Thumbnail Contest!! THE CAST & CREW! Cobalt- Leaf- Willow- possibly @drakhtx Sequoia- Ivroy- Sunfall- Ebony- Echo- Cliff+Wasp- Ember- Great Wolves: Moon Sun Storm Director, Lead Animator and Lead Script Writer/Editor: @catnippy Character Designer: @Lilly_OwO Music Composer: Script Editors: Background Artists: Additional Worldbuilding Help: Want to audition for a role? Sign up here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/459503579/ Want to become part of the crew to do sound design, music, animation, character design, or storyboards? Look here: CONTACT ME! @catnippy Progress Log! 12/05/20- Sent out audition project and began setting up some storyboards 12/10/20- Finished clearing up some errors in the script, added a character 12/12/20- Began drawing the characters and deepening their personalities 12/14/20- Creating a map and refining the plot more 12/16/20- Began casting people and sending out news 12/20/20- Created most characters and added sample lines Too lazy to type right now, add more progress later XD