*Voice Actors/ Actresses NEEDED!!*

Hellloooo, me and @mcw3521 are making a game (Golden Life) and I need people to voice the lines. We will need more people in the future so if you don't get one this time, I will probably let you have a different role. Please pick a role and say the lines in a project!!
NOTE--- You can still get a part later on if you say you want one
Available Parts---- (none rn)
Grocery Worker (Male or Female)
(Closed) @ZoeLovesWolfs
Old man neighbor (Male only)
(Closed) @HappyHaise
Boss (Male or Female)
(Closed) @28broder
Future Role's------
@Phantom-Express (British!!)
@flamin-flamingo (voice male)
This studio has no projects yet.
Suggest projects you want to add in the comments!