❤️ Among Us M.V.A.P. ❤️
Project has been abandoned. Hey you, we aren´t mad. We understand it was frustrating! Its okay! Lizzy´s message to everyone- Be yourself, dont be someone youre not, if you dont, people wont see the true side of you. Its okay! I love you! Lizzy/UwU- Its okay, dont be sad that we couldnt finish this :) I know they will do many amazing things in the future. Keep being awesome guys! Never give up on your dreams!! mika/denki ( yuriii-- ) : it's okay that we couldn't finish this ! i completely understand and it was fun while it lasted. i enjoyed it ^^ !! -NoTimeToDie-- if you wanna say anything type here :3 cakemonster5555- if you wanna say anything type here :3 IceDragon12073- if you wanna say anything type here :3 Th30therScra1cher- if you wanna say anything type here :3 re-animaster- AY, this may be stressful, so its ok to stop! Priceless_T- if you wanna say anything type here :3