follow these very epic people :P

follow these le epic people that i know @-BENDY-ANIMATIONS-
@FnafCrewLeader @maynardBot (who is my dad and a programmer) @willemwolf because he is a cool person @shreeshm because he is my friend and you guys for supporting me throughout my scratch career
Feel free to add projects but don't add inappropriate ones or else they will be taken down!
Do not beg for manager
Everybody is welcome here even the toys from toy stories, peanuts, Triple venti caramel macchiato, 190 degrees, shots in the middle, 14 pumps of vanilla, no foam, no room, extra caramel drizzle, double cupped with a sleeve, and a stopper, toilet ,and a bagel. does not matter who or what you are, you are welcome to be here
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