OC requests :)
Hey everyone! Some of you have OCs, some do not. If you don't have an OC or want to have an OC with better art, you may contact me here :) Sidenote: OC means Original Character. BTW I'll do Poptropican OCs. If you want to be a MANAGER, please fill out this form: do you have poptropica (y/n)//how fast would you get them done//link to one of your Poptropica stuff (take a look at one of the projects to see what i'm looking for) If you want an OC, fill out this form: skin tone #//eye #//mouth// hairstyle//hair color #//clothing/top #//pants/ bottom #//Mask # (optional) PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE FINISHED OC's AND TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR ORDER AND SEE IF IT WILL LOOK GOOD OR WHATEVER. BECAUSE FOR ONE THING, I CANNOT CHANGE THE EYE COLOR AS IT WILL LOOK A LITTLE CREEPY. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING THIS. OH YEAH THEY DON'T REALLY HAVE SWEATERS SO I'LL TRY MY BEST TO MAKE A REPLACEMENT. BEFORE YOU START: Skin tones: 1. Lightest 2. Light 3. Pinkish-Light 4. Darker Pinkish-Light 5. Pinkish-Tan 6. Tan 7. Light Tan 8. Sunny Tan 9. Bright Tan 10. Dusty Tan 11. Dark 12. Kind of Light Dark 13. Medium Dark 14. Light Dark 15. Dusty Brown 16. Darker Dusty Brown 17. Dusty Golden Tan 18. Light Dusty Golden Tan Eye: 1. Wide 2. Part-Closed 3. Wide with Lashes 4. Part-Closed with Lashes Hairstyles: There are far too many so come up with a hairstyle and I'll try my best to match it up! Hair color: 1. Redwood Bark (Very Dark Red) 2. Jet Black 3. Dark Brown 4. Auburn/Amber 5. Dusty Brown 6. Brown 7. White 8. Blonde 9. VERY VERY Light Yellow 10. Dusty Dark Brown 11. Red 12. Orange 13. Yellow 14. Light Green 15. Cyan 16. Blue 17. Purple 18. Magenta MOUTHS: There are far too many mouths as well, so um, same thing as the hairstyles. TOP: Same rule as Mouths and Hairstyles. BOTTOM: Same rule as Mouths and Hairstyles. MASKS: 1. Red 2. White 3. Black OTHER: Total surprise OC allowed. RULES: The basic Scratch rules, you know, no bad words, no being rude, etc. Please don't blame me if I made it look worse than you thought. Have a nice day/night! People on the waiting list: @Cat-Dog-Wolf-Thing Manager: @kiwibird10