Alil's Warrior Cat RP
LightningTribe- Royal Family: Stormchaser, Greenears Warriors: Sweetsong, Stormchaser, Greenears, Shiningflame BreezeTribe- ShadeTribe- Warriors: Beetleberry StreamTribe- Leader: Horizonstar Deputy: Rainskip Medicine Cat: Longleap Medicine Cat Apprentice: Echopaw Warriors: Bluesplash, Crystalgaze, Splashheart, Peppersmudge Apprentices: Foxpaw (Mentor: Rainskip) LaceTribe- BeeTribe- NeedleTribe- Warriors: Teaganfall MoonTribe- Warriors: Jumpingfrost SnakeTribe- Prophecy: To end the evil lurking in the shadows. A secret must be revealed. To help the Tribes realize what is right and wrong A promise must be revealed. Find the she-cat falling behind Make her go back to her kind. Look for a she-cat that mines her way To the thing that she wants taken away. Find the tom in the pool of water And choose wisely how he will serve his quarter Look for a tom with a big heart Away on a journey he shall part To end the fear driving the Tribes A secret must be revealed. To make the future right once again A promise must be revealed. The lost promise will not be easy to find. Make sure you Do everything we have inclined. Brave Claw Cats: Leader: Sweetsong


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