Y there so many bad ppl in dis world??
Honestly ion get it at all. Y can't ppl jus learn to be sivulized n behave like they suppost to. Not do bad things, not say mean things, ect. Jus be a good instead of a bad person for cryin out loud. We shouldn't have to have police for crimes we should have em to help ppl for different reasons. Or maybe we shouldn't have Police at all. All we need is good ppl n good things in dis world. Police r great don't get me wrong, I have an officer as a best friend (i consider him a best friend). I hate police. I obvs don't hate em like dat cuz dat would be heartless. Buh I hate em cuz I scared of em. They do so much for us n I luv em so Tysm police for sayin many ppl lives. Now soldiers. I hate when ppl kill/hurt eachother buh dat wat war all bout. We should't have it cuz we dont need it. Ye it a fun subject to learn bout n witout it there would be no history in Highschool. Buh... cmon it aint nessasary. I luv all ya'll vetrians, soldiers. Tysm for servin our country. Now firefighters.... we do obvs need em cuz fires dont alway burn out cuz of bad ppl. Sumtimes it accident. sumtimes sumthin go wrong in da house. Buh it sucks when dat all happen yk?? thx so much firefighters for savin ppl lives all day. Everyday. Buh can sumone plz explain to me y there so many bad ppl in dis world??/ LUV U ALL!!