Winged cats; History and Sign up
(The icon is temp till I draw the real one) Centuries ago, 5 cats roamed the earth and created 5 tribes. Air, Earth, Water, Fire and Ice. They were lead by great cats. These great cats were respected by the cats of smaller ranks. 1 2. No swearing or trying to get around it 3. if you do something bad, you have 3 chances. 1. A warning 2. No rping for 5 days 3. Banned from rp 4. If someone is being mean to you report them to the admins or me 5. If one rank if filled just wait till a spot free's up 6. Have fun! 7. (Not really a rule) But if you are 12+ months I will give you a suffix based off your rank. 8. If you are a leader of a tribe, you have to have wings. 9. No self-mating 10. Only five wingless cats per Tribe. No exceptions. 11. No Mary-sues or Gary-sues. 12. If you run to a different tribe, and expect to live with them, you will be a prisoner for a moon; just to be on the safe-side. 13. Every Saturday your cat ages. 14. Kits only have prefixes; Apprentice's only have prefixes; warriors get their suffix chosen by the leader; healers' suffixes are always 'Leaf'; ground hunters always have the suffix of step; Sky Hunters' suffixes are 'Hopper'; Travelers' suffixes are always Heart; Messangers' suffixes are always Swift; Kit-Mother's keep their warrior suffix; Elders keep their warrior suffix. BIO Name (Prefix only) {:} Age {:} Gender {:} Sexuality {:} Rank {:} Tribe {:} Wingless or Winged {:} Mate {:} Crush {:} Looks {:} Kits {:} Theme song {:} Other {:} ------------------------------------------ Kits: 0-6 months Trainees: 6-12 months Healers: 12 months - 80 months Ground hunters (Wingless only): 12 - 80 months Sky hunters (Winged only); 12-80 months Travelers: 12-80 months Messengers: 12-80 months Kit-mothers: 14 - 40 months Elders: 80 - death Fire tribe Earth tribe Air Tribe Water tribe Outsiders and Housecats Admins: @Wh_ale ------------------------------------------------- NEWS: ------------------------------------------------- PROPECHIE(S): -------------------------------------------------


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