A Maximum Ride RP

You are running, running from giant wolf-like creatures. Not that long ago, they were just humans. You run and run and run. You find yourself approaching a cliff. You would not like to fall down, it would be a very painful and pathetic death. You start running faster and faster and faster towards the cliff. You cannot stop now. You reach the cliff and push off. For a second or two, you were falling, then, suddenly, you snap out your wings and catch the air, zooming up and away from the wolf-like creatures known as Erasers. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Maybe like the beginning of Maximum Ride The Angel Experiment? Yeah. If there is anyone new on this journey, please relax and read this. If your not new, just stay tuned for the rules. Ok, now to acknoledge the newbies. Maximum Ride is a book series about 6 people who are very much like you, 98% to be exact. They were Maximum (the main character), Fang, Iggy (who is blind), Nudge, Gazzy (aka the Gasman), and Angel. Max, Fang, and Iggy are 15, Nudge is 12, Gazzy is 9, and Angel is 7. Some of you might be wondering what the last two percent is. Well, when they were babies, they were taken from their hospital and brought to a place they call the school. The school is a lab with scientist that do experiments. But this lab isn't normal. These scientists aren't normal. The experiments aren't normal. This is the place you were running away from in the beginning of this description, besides the big, mean, scary, bloodthirsty Erasers. The 6 babies were injected with avian DNA. This is the other 2%. This is why they have wings. They aren't the only ones who have wings though. You do to. These 6 people weren't the only "experiments." You were to. Tired of being chased mercilessly, the Flock, which were the 6 "Avian Americans" as Max says it. The Flock thought they were the only "Avian Americans," but they were wrong. The Flock developed a camp for people like them, after Max did what she was supposed to do in the books for any of the Maximum Ride book readers. That is the main setting for the Bird Kids. For anyone who wants to be a scientist or Eraser, it will mainly take place at the school. If you have any questions, please ask me, @FloofyCorgiFox , or any of the managers. We have slots open for origional characters. I would very much like it if the book readers got characters because they know them the best and it's fair. You may have a maximum of 5 people. Whitecoats are scientists.
Character format:
Name // age // gender // sexuallity // looks // personality // group (flock, eraser, whitecoat) // wing color (if flock member // family // friends // crush // any extra abilities // other
A list of abilities will be listed below
1. Hate the character, not the scratcher
2. LQBTQ+ are welcome
3. Romance and battles are welcome, but nothing inapropriate
4. Please nothing too crazy
5. Managers, please invite
6. Don't forget, if you have a question, just ask
7. Have fun
List of abilities:
Speed-Avian's can fly at around a steady 80mph, but this ability can let you fly up to speeds of 320mph or so
Breathing underwater
Playing dead-This power allow you to completely shut down all your organs for a few minutes, but not be completely dead
Camoflage-This power allows you to become basically invisable if you stan still for a while
Enhanced physical abilities
Hand-to-hand combat
Sensory abilities-This power was Iggy's, a book character, because he was blind. This allowed him to know where to go. He was able to find his way around the house maybe even the best unless a flock member changed the furnature around
Color sense-This was also Iggy's. It allowed him to acuratly detect colors by touch.
Explosives-This power allows you to have a lot of information on explosives. It was given to Iggy, who was blind, and Gazzy, who was 8
Psychometry-This power allows you to feel great emotion when touching something that generates sadness or if many people have touched it
Magnetism-This power allows you to attract metal at will
Mimicry-This power allows you to mimic sounds of people
Flatuence-This power is the Gasman's, hence his name. Max thought it was just a dugestive problem, but in "Final Warning," he produced a yellow green 'mushroom cloud' of gas
Telepathy immunity
Enhanced sight
Healing-This power allows you to heal small wounds with your saliva, but it only n yourself
Singing-This power allows you to hipnotize people when singing
Talking to fish
Maximum of 3 powers. I'll let you know if you're character is too op with powers.
Human-Avian Hybrids:
Ollie, 14, F* @FloofyCorgiFox
Grace, 14, F* @ilovepuppy3
For book readers that are just about to rant:
Yes I know I tinkered with the storyline, but i wanted to make it less complicated. I'm so sorry, please forgive me
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