Order of the Pheonix
READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION!!! I made this Talk to Dobby! project. If you gained his trust, Dumbledore invited you to join the Order of the Phoenix. Then Snape told you you would be taking classes with him at 5:00 PM I made the classes and I am putting them in a studio. After you do the Dobby project you can be a curator, after you finish Snape lessons (more to come) you can be a manager. Responsibilities as a manager: Accept numbers, invite curators, and promote them if they finish all lessons. EVERYBODY THAT IS A MANAGER SHOULD HAVE A m AFTER THEIR USERNAME. MAKE SURE TO COMMENT IN THE STUDIO AS WELL AS ON PROJECTS!! Harry Potter fans only! POST YOUR NUMBER IN THE COMMENTS TO HAVE IT PLACED ON THE DESCRIPTION WITH YOUR USERNAME! Comment IN all projects to show you did them Creator: @SwanSong3719 NUMBERS: 89515 @SwanSong3719 m 5 @GryffindorGirl25 7 @icecreamaddict 61093 @NymphadoraTonks123 97601 @Pixie-Coder 53631 @IM_A_PROUD_pureblood 43464 @Alixcat3 m 2842280 @esoyal2021 35501 @cs4317591 m 82608 @omontgomery2021 79135 @PotatoeBeanie 19065 @mumdadscratch 71680. @lovecats100 m 74187 @MiggyMoody 12456 @cs4879540 m 895467 @Potterhead93 m