Get to know meh

Idea from my boi Hawkfrost
Full name- Fennagin (Remember I'm German, so it's an odd name)
Age- 19
My looks- I'm 5'6, I have really short white and blue hair, I am freaking pale, and I'm a massive transboy, so I wear a sweatshirt and jeans most of the time
Sexuality- Transgender, pansexual, and aromantic, also a furry
Author of anything? - Pawsteps, The Secrets, You can Always Borrow my Heart, The Affliction Of Evil, It's Up to Us Now, Trials Of The Fallen, Chasing Maddox, Unburdened Realms
Favorite bands- U2, Rolling Stones, FFDP, Slipknot, The Glorious Sons, Ozzy Osbourne, Disturbed, My Chemical Romance, Boyinaband, Periphery, Ghostemane, Beartooth (Don't look up these bands because a lot of them are not appropriate for younger ages)
Likes- My bf (obviously), Anything cold, rain!!, my doggo (Blu), sleep, baggy clothing, my fursuit
Dislikes- People being mean about LGBTQ+ community, heat, cooking (I'm an awful cook), school (But the end result is good. Kids, stay in school!)
If you'd like to ask me anything, go ahead, I love answering questions!
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