Bubbawob Fan Group
Hey, Bubbawob Here! Welcome To My Offical Group! add stuff if you want Have fun doing stuff haha Sponsored by @Greatish ask to curate ask to manage I post codes for my games here! Also follow me ok? Manager Chat: Hello Anyone Here?-Bubbawob240 Yea I am here.--PhantomGamez- Good -Bubbawob240- Im sorta bored - Bubbawob240 Wut do ya wanna do then? -userconfig123 Im eating ice cream right now - Bubbawob240 cool -UserCONFIG123 i'm enjoying cheesecake -UserCONFIG123 u accidently put a 4 instead of 3 lol - Bubbawob Whats up guys and welcome back to trend spot today we are going to be looking at the top 5 fortnite skins YOU didn't know were couples -PhantomGamez Number 15 Burger king foot lettuce the last thing you would want on your burger king burger is somebodys foot fungus but that turns out that just might be what your getting - Bubbawob XDXDXDXDXDXDDXDXD oh gawd i activated an XD bomb.... -UserCONFIG123 wowzers wowzers wowzers wowzers oops wowzers bomb wowzers - Bubbawob