My BYOB Blocks
Add your pictures of your own BYOB blocks here! Feel free to add silly, fake, funny or useful blocks here! If you want to be a curator or a manager, just ask! You will also get automatically an invitation if you follow me! -------------------------------------------- Examples: Here are some examples of BYOB blocks you can make! ♦ ask a random question ♦ when stop button clicked ♦ draw an awesome painting ♦ <sprite [] v] says [ ]?> ♦ (sprite [ v] hides?) ♦ (sprite [ v] shows?) ♦ ([ v] effect) ♦ (pen [ v]) ♦ sing a song ♦ <sprite [ v] sings a song?> ♦ send [ v] to x:() y:() ♦ set [ v] effect for [ v] to () ♦ change [ v] effect for [ v] by () ♦ set variable color to [ ] ♦ (costume name) ♦ <I receive [ v] ?> ♦ <element ( v) from [ v] contains [ ] ?> ♦ <[ v] contains [ ] ?> ♦ travel to [ v] ♦ <sprite [ v] is travelling to [ v]?> ♦ go to [YouTube v] ♦ <sprite [ v] goes to [YouTube v] ?> ♦ make a story ♦ shut down [ v]'s computer ♦ <[ v]'s computer is shutting down?> ♦ start [ v]'s computer ♦ <[ v]'s computer is starting?> ♦ drink a bottle of [cola v] ♦ <sprite [ v] is drinking [cola v]? ♦ open browser [firefox v] ♦ close your browser ♦ remove () bytes from [Scratch v] ♦ <() bytes are being removed on [Scratch v]?> ♦ open URL [ ] in [another tab v] ♦ <URL [ ] is opening in [another tab v]? ♦ eat some chocolate ♦ <sprite [ v] is eating choclate?> ♦ make a [platformer v] ♦ send an email to [ ] with text [ ] ♦ rename website a random website to [ ] ♦ crash [ v]'s computer ♦ <[ v]'s computer is crashing?> ♦ say a random password ♦ say [ v]'s password ♦ let sprite [ v] freeze ♦ <sprite [ v] is freezing?> ♦ play [ v]'s favorite song ♦ don't stop all sounds ♦ go forward () layers ♦ pick random letter between [] and [] ♦ round () in (0.5) steps ♦ make an awesome movie ♦ send [ v] a Scratch message with text [ ] ♦ clear [ v]'s message list on Scratch ♦ create new Scratch account with name [ ] ♦ fall asleep ♦ don't fall asleep ♦ delete project [ ] ♦ ([ v]'s password) ♦ download some random files ♦ <some random files are being downloaded?> ♦ send user [ v] () spam messages ♦ <() spam messages are being sent to [ v]?> ♦ make [ v] an SDS curator ♦ make [ v] a Scratch admin ♦ annoy Scratch user [ v] ♦ <Scratch user [ v] is being annoyed?> ♦ hack website [ ] ♦ <website [ ] is being hacked?> ♦ change cursor to picture URL [ ] ♦ set cursor color to [ ] ♦ (cursor color) ♦ bake () cakes in () secs ♦ <() cakes are baked in () secs?> ♦ get () $ ♦ search [ ] in Google ♦ <[ v] is wearing [blue v] [shirts v]? ♦ put on a [blue v] [hat v] ♦ take off the [red v] shirt ♦ take off the [blue v] pans ♦ rename my account to [ ] ♦ ride a bike for () secs ♦ <sprite [ v] is riding a bike?> ♦ send [ v] a warning with text [ ] ♦ block user [ v] for () hours with reason [ ] -------------------------------------------- Feel free to comment and follow this studio! ----------------------------------------------- This studio was created on May 17, 2016 by @Scratch739201.