!Curate If You LOVE Cats!
>ABOUT< Hello! I was just bored, so I made this studio. You can curate ONLY if you love cats. But not just cats. You can love kittens, lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, cheetahs, cougars, or any wild cat I missed. >MANAGERS< Managers: @CatPawProductions AKA me! >MEMBERS< Members: @NYANSPLAT9 @Pretty06 @Mariohidalgodiaz >HOW TO JOIN< You can join in the comments. All you have to say is that you love any kind of kitty, and you're in! *You can ask if you want to be a manager, but it'll have to take time before I agree. You need to be a loyal and kind friend to me, and you need to post good projects about cats. Please and thank you :)