Rebirth saga, The last immortal *RPG*
Where we are curently at: Book 1, Chapter 4 (The main Protaginist is Real, the main antaginist Chuki, the narrator is Tera) (Also parts of the book where Tera is not present will not be included because it is wrote in the first person from Tera's perspective.)(This MAY be turned in to a book based on the comments but be prepared for edits)Intro: I watch the lovely immortal fall to her knees, my eyes wide with horror. She had just got her body back and now... Now shes dieing. My long time rival, so close to deaths door. Golden blood stains her soft, purple hair, her silk kimono, with patterns of cherry blosoms and sparrows. A matched look of terror is in both of our eyes. Tears swell in mine as she smiles weakly, she says as her last words, "Well... We allways knew you'd be the last. I just didn't think my deaparture would be so soon..." I shake the immortal who looks about 16, though she is mutch older then that, "Virgo! My old freind and rival! Don't die!" Virgo's twisted smile spreads across her face as her terrlr filled red eyes close. Her body turns to ash, and silent tears fall from my gold eyes and stain the red and gold kimono I have on, "No..." I am now alone... Compleatly and utterly alone...The one true immortal... The prophetess... The neautrality... The demon... Now I have a new title... The last immortal... Basicly: Its sometime like 20,000 A.D. And All the immortals that have kept balance have fell, all but one. The one who can't die, but wishes death apon her self. There is an evil force, The Darkness, trying to eliminate those who have the potential to be the worlds next generation of immortals. The last immortal, is trying to push these youngsters with potential, to become immortals. Who will win? Chere choices: Vamp: Basic vamps, except they have to drink blood to live for longer. They are hard to kill, and CAN infect. Kids: These kids all have the potential to save the world, or help save it, or vise versa. Once they do their blood becomes gold and they are immortal. They can also become immortal through a jurastic increase in power. Kids cannot become immortal for a while so wait. They may start off with a power and work their way up to 5. Try to make them come in when they are needed most.) Immortals (Will come later): These have done deeds great enough to shape history. They represent a certian thing (Such as Tera, represents neautrality) and they take the traits of it. They may only be held by MODS unless given special permission by me Cure46862/Solanna. They usally have god complexs and may have unlimeted powers. (But no instant death, invincibility, ectra) The powers MUST be relivant to what they represent. Such as Water CANNOT control fire, and so on. Darkened: These are those possesed by the darkness. They have up to 6 powers from the begining. They try to kill those with the potential to become immortals, under the forced belif that earth should take its natural course and not have a saftey system. Rules: No spam No powerplaying No flaming No trolling Don't go overboard with cheres Have fun! MODS: Cure46862/Solanna deathofdemons