Discuss Scratch

New to Scratch
45 posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

“It's a trap!”
-Admiral Ackbar

I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

-Some History Guy
1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

"First, we turn him into a flea. Yeees, a tiny, harmless little flea. And then, we put that flea in a box, and then we put that box inside another box, and then I MAIL that box to myself! And when it arrives, (EH HEH HEH!) I'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!"
-Yzma, The Emperor's New Groove
500+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

Zeyphr wrote:

Mewly wrote:

"Science isn't about why, but why not!" -Cave Johnson (died by moon rock ingestion, Aperture Laboratories Founder)
"Box. Your stuff. Out the front door. Parking lot. Car. Goodbye."
~Cave Johnson
sounds like he put someone's stuff in a box, and then ran it over.


Would you like to listen to a good YTPMV/MASHUP made by me?
If so, click on me! You won't regret it!
(sorry… i forgot how to do image links ): )
(Could somebody tell me how?)

Yep, i did something. I call him…well… “Funny dino and martin”. Hes actually a guy, if you couldn't tell. d:
100+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

“It's no use! Take this!”- Silver the Hedgehog
100+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

“The cake is a lie.” - Portal
1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

“You're better than me, Kakarot.”-Vegeta.

Last edited by awesomekid0224 (March 3, 2015 22:39:17)

100+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

“NNNNNUUUUUUUUUUU!” - James, Pokemon
92 posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

Seaside denied, Shadow: I'm gonna eat whole hom nom nom!

noxiomm on disc.
crazygdhistory on twit.


i dont use scratch that much anymore but its always in my heart
5 posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

“I AM AN ETERNAL FLAME, BABY!” - Ruby, Keystone Motel

“He's not gonna like that it's square.” - Sapphire, Keystone Motel

“Forget about Greg, let's travel the Galaxy!” - Pearl, Chille Tid

“SQUARE PIZZA?!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS CRAZY STATE??!?!” - Steven, Keystone Motel..

Yeah, I'm obsessed with Steven Universe.. (GARNET IS THE BEST GEM YOU CAN'T DENY IT.)
1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

Some Terraria quotes.

“Do you know why I carry around all these spiked balls? Because I don't.” - Goblin Tinkerer
“Don't explore with scissors, they said. You won't get trapped in a spider web, they said.” - Stylist (when you find her in a spider nest)
“Nananananananananana BATFISH! That means catch it and bring it to me!” - Angler
“I know the difference between turquoise and blue-green. But I won't tell you.” - Painter
“The great Timmy dismisses you.” - Angler
“Check out my dirt blocks, they are extra dirty.” - Merchant
“So I heard you like rocket boots, so I put rockets in your rocket boots.” - Goblin Tinkerer
1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

scrooge200 wrote:

Some Terraria quotes.

“Do you know why I carry around all these spiked balls? Because I don't.” - Goblin Tinkerer
“Don't explore with scissors, they said. You won't get trapped in a spider web, they said.” - Stylist (when you find her in a spider nest)
“Nananananananananana BATFISH! That means catch it and bring it to me!” - Angler
“I know the difference between turquoise and blue-green. But I won't tell you.” - Painter
“The great Timmy dismisses you.” - Angler
“Check out my dirt blocks, they are extra dirty.” - Merchant
“So I heard you like rocket boots, so I put rockets in your rocket boots.” - Goblin Tinkerer
Don't forget the boss or item quotes.
26 posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

I don't remember the exact words, but in every pokemon series, like, ever, the second time they see Nurse Joy, it goes like something like this:
Joy: Hello!
Ash: Nurse Joy?!?! How did you get here before we did? Don't you have to stay in the last town to help the pokemon there?
Joy: Huh? Oh, you must be thinking of my cousin Joy, There are (insert number here) of us all across the region.
Ash: Oh okay . . .

Ha ha! So you are smarter-er than I thought! have a cookie! Also, go to my profile and click the follow button! You won't be sorry! Now I roll face on keyboard: dfgdhasdfghbnjkkojihugyftrdseawsdfgyhujikoojihugftrxdcgvbhjnkawzseftrvgbhyunjimkoawxsedrcfvtgbhnjkmjiunhbgvfcdxscdfvgtbhnjmbvgzswfrvgtbnhjmknjbvgftzswdfvgbnmjknjhbvgfxdvgfnj,k.l,mknjhvgtfrdvfgbhnjmknjbvgfswdcvgfnhjknmjhbvgftdefghjnkweftrjuhiookihjugftdrsedsbgftrnhynjumkhjugfdsghdgg dtysedgrdfuhbgduhgduyhidfnosidfyuitjuhgfinhmvkbnuhjgnufibunhgjihsasdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm,tnhjerinjumdegtrnerhyfnruioehjgtnudgujdfnmjigndfkgjndhg Think about it. Maybe it's not my face, but someone ELSE's face. . . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH
P.S. don't click this link…
500+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

GigaChampion wrote:

“It's a trap!”
-Admiral Ackbar
That's a classic. Also, from the show Futurama, in the episode “Godfellas,” the godlike entity says to Bender, “When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.”

Also to throw in some Strong Bad–
Strong Bad: “Is there a sign on my door that says ”Wanted- Everyone Here- Inquire Inside."

KoT: “I didn't see one…”

Last edited by Letsgopitt (Aug. 18, 2015 23:27:37)

1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

“I know what your thinking…”
“Just don't make it crawl”

I can't think of any others, and my dad has a perfect quote: “There is no spoon”

Pet peeve: Lag. Just, lag. Lag, lag, LAG SPIKE-
There is a need for perfection, even if it's unusual: www.vetpetmon.com
A retired Scratcher who won't be using scratch. I usually go on the forums. I mostly play Unturned, but sometimes, I make mods for games. Knows many programming languages: 100% of HTML, about 60% of CSS, 1% JS, 2% of C#, 50% TSC (for CS modding) and, 1% ASM. Is experienced at Beatbox. I also like writing stories about topics that are interesting to me. I'm well known for my variety of skills that range from programming, art, music, writing, and more. Yes, I have too many hobbies, and I am in 6 fandoms right now!
1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

Mewly wrote:

“I found a dead mouse in my computer.” -deadmau5
“I don't know how to deal with girls.” -Crona, Soul Eater (her main quote is ‘I don’t know how to deal with —')
“Bob da blob” -Zaneki
“Oh, who would ever want to be king.” -Coldplay, Viva La Vida
“I slipped on a little white lie.” -All4one, Scratch
“Hello again, to all my friends, together we can rock ‘n’ roll.” -Skrillex, Rock'N'Roll
“I HATE BARRELS!” -PewDiePie. Lucius Let's Play
“FORK JORGE!” BereghostGames, Miasmata Let's Play
“Get it? Snogre? Because it's like an ogre made out of snow… Oh shut up.” -Eddsworld, The Snogre
“Blue Jeans, White Shirt” -Lana Del Rey, Blue Jeans
“Get over here and play a video game” -Lana Del Rey, Video Games
“It's not fair, and I think your really mean” -Lilly Alen, Not Fair
“No one can catch us, nothing can change this” -Lena, Stardust
“We are waiting for a dream, so we go to sleep. But nothing happens when, we wait too long.” -Lena, Stardust

There are many more but I can't remember.
Good gracius what was wrong with me.
1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

Mewly wrote:

scrooge200 wrote:

Some Terraria quotes.

“Do you know why I carry around all these spiked balls? Because I don't.” - Goblin Tinkerer
“Don't explore with scissors, they said. You won't get trapped in a spider web, they said.” - Stylist (when you find her in a spider nest)
“Nananananananananana BATFISH! That means catch it and bring it to me!” - Angler
“I know the difference between turquoise and blue-green. But I won't tell you.” - Painter
“The great Timmy dismisses you.” - Angler
“Check out my dirt blocks, they are extra dirty.” - Merchant
“So I heard you like rocket boots, so I put rockets in your rocket boots.” - Goblin Tinkerer
Don't forget the boss or item quotes.
Boss quotes? And I agree, some of the item tooltips are pretty funny.
1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

“I am your father!” Darth Vader - Empire Strikes Back

“Yipee, I did it!” the man said with glee,
“I've solved that darned riddle, I've solved it, you see!”
The sphinx simply smiled and shook her strange head,
“I'm afraid you're wrong, and therefore you're dead.”
100+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

Do you not SEEEEEEEEEEE how GIGANTIC these dragon ears are in LENGTH?!


Show me some gears!
500+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

We hope to see you again!

(said by a nurse in a hospital after your Pokemon are fatally injured)
1000+ posts

Favorite Scripts/Lines

"*MENACING*" -JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

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