Discuss Scratch

5 posts

Why hello there scratchers of scratch!

I am a new scratcher that likes remixing, making simple animations, and making other stuff in different styles. Heres a link to one of my projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/998752186
100+ posts

Why hello there scratchers of scratch!

Welcome to scratch!

Highlight something, then press Shift+Down arrow to see the rest of my signature! You can do it with other's signatures too!

I'm Blobbystudios! I'm obsessed with old scratch, been on this site for (almost) three years, and am WAY to active!
This is my best project and I would appreciate your feedback and ideas!
So yeah that's really all

Wuchu doin down 'ere?
500+ posts

Why hello there scratchers of scratch!

Hi there, welcome to Scratch! We hope you enjoy your stay.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here!

i like dogs

call me tdl. mainly active on QaS
100+ posts

Why hello there scratchers of scratch!

Welcome to Scratch! I hope you enjoy this small part of the internet! =^..^=

This is my siggy! It automatically shows up on every post I have made and/or create. To learn more about them and how to make your own, click here.
<=^..^= :: operators> // This is Kenny! She protects my siggy from evil kumquats! :)
when green flag clicked
follow [TATT v] and see some of her [projects v] :: pen

when green flag clicked
if <you found this script? :: variables> then
say [How did you did this? Do you have a Scratch extension or something?] for [forever until you tell me] secs

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