Discuss Scratch

5 posts

For ALL Gvbvdxx's Mod and Gvbvdxx Mod 2 users.

You might be using an outdated version of the Gvbvdxx Mod scratch modification!!

I'm not 100% sure if anyone was looking forward to newer updates with all the “Gvbvdxx's Mod” scratch modifications.

And here is the link for the recent version of Gvbvdxx Mod 2: https://jasonglenevans.github.io/GMSource

So if you have not noticed, the current version you may be using is no longer updated, and I want to spread the news about the recent things and why they never got updated. The reason is that i lost access to my original github account, so now newer things are getting posted on this new github account. And since most of my fame has been lost (I think) there is not as many people looking out for newer versions.

So here are some of the outdated links:
  • https://jasonglenevans.github.io/GvbvdxxMod2
  • https://jasonglenevans.github.io/GMSource
Or any link containing “jasonglenevans.github.io” may be outdated.

Most likely they will be the first part in the link that needs changing so for example https://jasonglenevans.github.io/GvbvdxxMod2 will become https://gvbvdxx.github.io/GvbvdxxMod2 but if its something like https://jasonglenevans.github.io/GMSource then it won't work on that because mainly there are no redirects for that link.

Also for the latest version (but slower connection time) link, you can look forward to https://gvbmod2.glitch.me but expect the wake up time of the proxy server to at least 15 seconds (or lower) for the most recent version, I highly recommend using that one if there might be no updates in a long time.

So that is all I have to say about those outdated links so if you have a question about the modification, post it here, most likely respond, if it takes more than two weeks, something may have happened to this account, or I'm just grounded for more than two weeks.

Last edited by gvbmod2-dev (Feb. 15, 2024 23:58:26)

For gvbvdxx mod (v1 and above) users:

The catc232 account and some others I've lost access to,
so for anyone out there,
wondering why it's never updated here is why:
I lost access to the jasonglenevans github account - that is where i upload most of my websites, including this one.
The source code is (kinda) broken now.

So for anyone looking out for these newer updated links here are the links

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