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90 posts

are there any more phone-friendly Scratch alternatives?

are there any? most people know about at least Turbowarp, a Scratch alternative that fixes a few things up and makes things smoother, but that's not phone-friendly. All I can find that is phone-friendly is Scratch Jr, which is… Scratch Jr, not good when you're more advanced on working with Scratch XD
100+ posts

are there any more phone-friendly Scratch alternatives?

I believe there is a 2.0 offline editor you can download as an app
I have a nagging suspicion that I've seen stuff about it not being a thing anymore but try it anyway

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1000+ posts

are there any more phone-friendly Scratch alternatives?


I believe there is a 2.0 offline editor you can download as an app
I have a nagging suspicion that I've seen stuff about it not being a thing anymore but try it anyway
Which won't work on phones because Flash doesn't work on phones. You can download the 3.0 editor to android devices, but not iOS ones.

Scratch is really designed to be used on laptops and desktop computers devices that have a mouse and keyboard, but can be used on tablets (and is supported there).

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Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/
100+ posts

are there any more phone-friendly Scratch alternatives?

I don't think there are any alternatives.

Like the post above said, Scratch is designed especially for people with computers or devices with mouse and keyboard.

Last edited by BluePixelLOLLL (May 15, 2024 00:46:08)

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1000+ posts

are there any more phone-friendly Scratch alternatives?

BigNate469 wrote:

Which won't work on phones because Flash doesn't work on phones.
That's not really true. Pixie still works even though Flash is dead.

<Scratch Wikian | Forum Helper | 6000+ Posts>

Credit to -gge for the icons in my signature | I condensed all this code into five lines using [p] tags, idk why

1000+ posts

are there any more phone-friendly Scratch alternatives?

han614698 wrote:

BigNate469 wrote:

Which won't work on phones because Flash doesn't work on phones.
That's not really true. Pixie still works even though Flash is dead.
That's probably because Pixie was made using JavaScript

BluePixelLOLLL wrote:

Like the post above said, Scratch is designed especially for people with computers or devices with mouse and keyboard.
3.0 had tablet compatibility in mind, as pointed out by countless posts, so it's more than reasonable to expect phone compatibility as well… right?
1000+ posts

are there any more phone-friendly Scratch alternatives?

ajskateboarder wrote:

han614698 wrote:

BigNate469 wrote:

Which won't work on phones because Flash doesn't work on phones.
That's not really true. Pixie still works even though Flash is dead.
That's probably because Pixie was made using JavaScript
Well obviously, I understand that. I'm just saying there are functional alternatives to Scratch (at least 2.0) that work on mobile.

<Scratch Wikian | Forum Helper | 6000+ Posts>

Credit to -gge for the icons in my signature | I condensed all this code into five lines using [p] tags, idk why

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