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1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

Mr_rudy wrote:


ajskateboarder wrote:

Time to implement setting repo remotes so you can push your stuff online!!! (I'm not hosting a Scratch-friendly Git platform
someone should host a gitea for this and then @ajskateboarder could intergrate it
that's be really coolzies

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
100+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

Mr_rudy wrote:


ajskateboarder wrote:

Time to implement setting repo remotes so you can push your stuff online!!! (I'm not hosting a Scratch-friendly Git platform
someone should host a gitea for this and then @ajskateboarder could intergrate it
that's be really coolzies
hold on im trying to do it right now, ill update you when its done

won't be self hosted + will barely have any storage but will still be cool

Fourm Post

i make games and other cool stuff

when @greenFlag [clicked v]:: events hat
when (when @greenFlag clicked:: events) clicked:: events stack
when @greenFlag clicked {
when @greenFlag clicked:: events stack
}:: events
when <@greenFlag:: events> clicked:: events
when ({when @greenFlag clicked:: events stack}@addInput:: events) clicked:: events stack
when @greenFlag clicked:: events cap
evil kumquats ate this sentenc-
100+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

Mr_rudy wrote:

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

Mr_rudy wrote:


ajskateboarder wrote:

Time to implement setting repo remotes so you can push your stuff online!!! (I'm not hosting a Scratch-friendly Git platform
someone should host a gitea for this and then @ajskateboarder could intergrate it
that's be really coolzies
hold on im trying to do it right now, ill update you when its done

won't be self hosted + will barely have any storage but will still be cool
ok i did it https://scratchgit.glitch.me/ also i made forum post https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/756111/?page=1#post-7933628

Last edited by Mr_rudy (April 21, 2024 19:43:26)

Fourm Post

i make games and other cool stuff

when @greenFlag [clicked v]:: events hat
when (when @greenFlag clicked:: events) clicked:: events stack
when @greenFlag clicked {
when @greenFlag clicked:: events stack
}:: events
when <@greenFlag:: events> clicked:: events
when ({when @greenFlag clicked:: events stack}@addInput:: events) clicked:: events stack
when @greenFlag clicked:: events cap
evil kumquats ate this sentenc-
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

Mr_rudy wrote:

won't be self hosted + will barely have any storage but will still be cool
So basically: don't use it for production.

/hj is the worst tone indicator. It's confusing and ambiguous. I hate it. The point of tone indicators is to indicate tone, or the way that a piece of text should be read, but what does “half joking” mean? Do you just wake up in the morning and think “wow, I really have something I want to talk about seriously but also kinda not, IDK you decide.” It's useless. I hate it. It just provokes a deep rooted anger within me whenever I see it. People just comment /hj as if it makes any sense. It doesn't. Oh wow, it's a tone indicator that's has a relative meaning, how useful, I'll use it in every comment I post. NO. STOP IT. You're a tone indicator, you have only one job, and yet you sit there doing nothing apart angering me.


^^^ (there's more below)
This one is useful because it tells you that this signature is fully 100% serious. (/srs) Who would've thought that tone indicators needed to tell you something about the piece of text they're attached to? /s

I'm serious, I'm not even going to put multiple (/hj)s a the end of my signature as to mock the previous paragraph for not getting the point of something(like previous version of my signature). /srs
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

Thanks to Steve0Greatness for uncovering bugs on Windows which are now fixed:

- Popup windows not fully closing
- Windows paths not working when making a new Git project

Also, scripts that are changed are now highlighted on save. This should make it easier to identify what was changed:

(pretend you see me clicking the Save button in the top right corner)
500+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

davidtheplatform wrote:

You could outline blocks in red/green if they are removed/added

ajskateboarder wrote:

Thanks to Steve0Greatness for uncovering bugs on Windows which are now fixed:

- Popup windows not fully closing
- Windows paths not working when making a new Git project

Also, scripts that are changed are now highlighted on save. This should make it easier to identify what was changed:

(pretend you see me clicking the Save button in the top right corner)
IMO this is still better than crossing out blocks (also it seems highlighting blocks is possible?)

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

Steve0Greatness wrote:


Mr_rudy wrote:

won't be self hosted + will barely have any storage but will still be cool
So basically: don't use it for production.
yeah… large scale projects, be aware lol.

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

The feature mentioned on post 65 is now, for the most part, functional (try it out on release 0.0.52). Additionally, a few things have changed:

- Ctrl+S is now the hotkey to display changes (Ctrl+Shift+S can be used to save without displaying, but the changes will be remembered the next time you use Ctrl+S). I'm not sure if MacOS lets you use Command+S though (if anyone could test… )

- JSX was removed entirely from the project since it made the build process much more annoying and it for some reason didn't let me apply inline styles (I didn't migrate everything to JSX anyways)

Last edited by ajskateboarder (April 22, 2024 23:35:02)

1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor


aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor


- Diffed scripts can now be jumped to in the editor (the editor will “teleport” to the script and flash it a few times, just like TurboWarp's find block feature)

- Scripts with empty if statements can now be viewed correctly without errors
- Block diffs now have expanded context, which also avoids cases where scratchblocks creates these “end” blocks (I have plans to make this configurable)
- Settings to configure highlights and plain text on diffs are now bound to localStorage (meaning your settings will be remembered)
- The “Don't show again” checkbox on the welcome dialog has been removed (it was useless)
- The close button for the diff dialog has been relocated to the the top of the modal
- The CSS for active tabs has been fixed

Last edited by ajskateboarder (April 28, 2024 23:11:22)

1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

Steve0Greatness is currently facing an issue with making commits. Is anyone else able to reproduce this?
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

ajskateboarder wrote:

Steve0Greatness is currently facing an issue with making commits. Is anyone else able to reproduce this?
Bump on this

- There is now a copy button for diffed scripts in both image and text form
- A tiny regression-caused bug that failed to display removed scripts in diffs is now fixed
- A bug that caused unnecessary commits to be made (eg. “Sprite: +4, -4 blocks” when said Sprite wasn't modified at all) is now fixed
- A logo has been made (inspired by TurboWarp)

I'm also working on localization
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

Pushing to any Git remote is almost done. Basically you enter settings here:

And hitting the Push button from the Git menu will send it off to the remote on the main branch. Authentication will likely be a simple process for remotes other than GitHub (like scratchgit.glitch.me) since they accept using a username and password to push to the repository, but GitHub requires either using a personal access token or authentication with an app.. the latter is probably the neater solution for GitHub tbh

edit: I figured out the pushing part, but I was reminded of pulling changes from upstream, so now I'm going to finish that Essentially, when you pull from upstream, it should update the repo JSON as well as the actual project you opened in the editor (done!!! –rebase is very cool)

note: GitHub authentication will require a small server rewrite since the server has been written to follow a request-response layout like HTTP, but GitHub auth would require sending two messages (one for device code and another for auth success)

Last edited by ajskateboarder (May 17, 2024 15:46:26)

1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor


Last edited by ajskateboarder (May 15, 2024 23:45:45)

1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor


aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor


aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

- Pushing, pulling, and authentication for GitHub is supported. Make sure to install the GitHub app beforehand: https://github.com/apps/scratch-git-bot
- Localization is supported. Language PRs are welcome as of now, but note you'll have to send in PRs as more things are added. Thanks to mybearworld for German translations and josueart for Spanish translations!!
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

ajskateboarder wrote:

- Pushing, pulling, and authentication for GitHub is supported. Make sure to install the GitHub app beforehand: https://github.com/apps/scratch-git-bot
- Localization is supported. Language PRs are welcome as of now, but note you'll have to send in PRs as more things are added. Thanks to mybearworld for German translations and josueart for Spanish translations!!
How to give translations?

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

ajskateboarder wrote:

- Pushing, pulling, and authentication for GitHub is supported. Make sure to install the GitHub app beforehand: https://github.com/apps/scratch-git-bot
- Localization is supported. Language PRs are welcome as of now, but note you'll have to send in PRs as more things are added. Thanks to mybearworld for German translations and josueart for Spanish translations!!
How to give translations?
Fork the repo, copy the en.json, change the file name to be some other locale, and translate stuff to that locale

Last edited by ajskateboarder (May 20, 2024 10:19:50)

57 posts

Integrating Git with the Scratch editor

ajskateboarder wrote:

- Pushing, pulling, and authentication for GitHub is supported. Make sure to install the GitHub app beforehand: https://github.com/apps/scratch-git-bot
- Localization is supported. Language PRs are welcome as of now, but note you'll have to send in PRs as more things are added. Thanks to mybearworld for German translations and josueart for Spanish translations!!
“scratch.git bot is a private GitHub App.”

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