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Scratch News Foundation article planning (JOURNALISTS ONLY)

Scratch News Foundation Article Planning

Official SNF site: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/760554/

This is the forum topic for planning each article we write. Planning articles is a duty that is strictly for journalists only.

On this forum, we:

- Decide on news topics
We gather a list of issues or discussion topics and select one to write about. The topic chosen must be a something we can write a lot about and is interesting to read.

- Write paragraphs
Journalists write paragraphs and post them on this topic. Other members of the SNF help edit any mistakes and give suggestions on how to improve the writing. When a paragraph is complete, the Scratcher who wrote it will edit their post and write (Complete) or (Finished) or (Published) or (Checked) on it.

- Share our content
Our content can be advertised on the Show And Tell forum, in signatures, on profiles, and mentioned in various places on the site.

On this forum, readers:

- Cannot participate in article making
- Can give quotes about topics once it is decided.

To give a quote, readers must fill in this form:
How informed are you about the topic:
Do you agree to having your username and quote shared publicly:
Agree to ToS?:

Last edited by iiucandyfloss (May 12, 2024 14:12:10)

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

1000+ posts

Scratch News Foundation article planning (JOURNALISTS ONLY)

(removed - please don't post unnecessarily long posts)

Last edited by ForumManager (Today 16:12:10)

This is a joke- not impersonating moderatoprs

Last edited by iiucandyfloss (May 15, 2024 16:31:53)

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

1000+ posts

Scratch News Foundation article planning (JOURNALISTS ONLY)

(will be removed )

Will be edited by Cassandra Trelawney(Tomorrow 00:00:00)

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

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