sydkinz2001 » Favorites (88)
Anime Tutorial (Semi-realism) by Reject-ted
Eye Tutorial by hibiscusthedog
The Impossible Game by elgamer
The Impossible Game ✖NEON✖ by crazyweasle123
AMV Gravity Falls by PlZZAZZ
Benedict Edison Reginald Tupperston the Third by ThePancakeMan
Dancing Yams by ThePancakeMan
Smooth Runcycle by Shadetail
Animals United Sign Up Sheet OPEN by Shadetail
RESULTS!!! (Sorry 4 ma lazy butt) by vivovi
Fanart for @sydkinz2001 by -Dovewing_
Personality Test by venomous-squirrel
*CLOSED* When Can I See You Again CC~ by Bluebird2000
Warrior cat Generator (over 100 possibilities!!!) by vivovi
Character Tutorial by hibiscusthedog
Silverleaf Animations: Broccoli by otterstar
Leafeon in a Blizzard .:Animation Test: Breath:. by -SkyStar-
Fred's Waffles! - BC spoof #6 [NOTES!] by Silvershimmer43
All Ashfur Ever Wanted by EvieRules13
Brave MAP - Protest Against Bullying by AsukaKittyArtist
.:I Can Not Believe My Eyes:. CC ***closed*** by artisticdragonpaw
RESULTS!!! by vivovi
Frozen CC *Closed* by ninjaeggy
Hollow (PMV) by Dunas
Otterstar's Art Contest FINAL Results by otterstar
Having a sick day? by SkyGirlArtist
Crowfeather and Leafpool by SkyGirlArtist
This is me by SkyGirlArtist
Northern Lights by SkyGirlArtist
Snow leopard by SkyGirlArtist
HELLOOOOOOOO! =) by PsychicArtist
Brambleclaw has a WHAT?! by Silvershimmer43
.:Snow queen's palace:. by xshadow-walkerx
Painty's Bio by xshadow-walkerx
CLOSED OMG by xshadow-walkerx
Homosexuality is NOT wrong! | GIO3 by Palindromee
Results to round 1!!! by vivovi
uHM ANIMATION, i GUESS??? by tobiecat14
Chouette's Mate Contest {CLOSED} by Chouette11
What Does the Fox Say? AMV by otterstar
Len x SkyBreeze by Bluebird2000
~$ŦEλMPU₦K ₩ØŘŁÐ~ by Bluebird2000
Icon Requests! <3 {CLOSED} by Bluebird2000
hAPPY BIRTHDAY SYDKINZ2001!!! by TheDoctorInTime
☪ Sweater Weather CC ☪ *CLOSED* by AsukaKittyArtist
A D O P T A B L E S 3 *CLOSED* by AsukaKittyArtist
Tiger by wolves26
END'S THE 28TH!!! by vivovi
What does the Fox Say? AMV (WIP 1) by otterstar
Fairtale CC *CLOSED* by vivovi
:.ADoPTS 1:. by ArticFowlAdopts
.:First of the year:. by _-ShadowStar-_
~Breeze~ by PaintedMelody
Shadowstar + Read project notes by _-ShadowStar-_
Adoptables 1! by PaintedMelody
This cc is dead =( by UmbreonKitty
CLOSED by PokeFox
Warrior cats:After the battle V.2.0!!!! by vivovi
Adoptables No. 3! Adopt Even More Felines! by UmbreonKitty
Halloween Contest! by otterstar