Scratcher Joined 4 years, 11 months ago United States
About me
I love video games, food, and most of all SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I like BABY YODA my bro is @MEGATRON_90. but he toxic so don't talk to him. btw im board. press alt f4
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (30)
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Make your own drum music by spongeface_xd
how many remixes? by spongeface_xd
blue embershed by spongeface_xd
embershed art (prodigy) by spongeface_xd
What Has Happened To The SWC by spongeface_xd
Untitled 12133234254534532424234 by spongeface_xd
my face (update) by spongeface_xd
muisc+dance by spongeface_xd
Stocks Simulator with a but load of money by spongeface_xd
new intro by spongeface_xd
pfp for 06160151559 by spongeface_xd
a lot of food by spongeface_xd
custom pfp by spongeface_xd
my new oc (for now) by spongeface_xd
this is the worst project ever by spongeface_xd
pink potato party by spongeface_xd
r u a fan of me? by spongeface_xd
may the 4th be with u even though it is the 3rd by spongeface_xd
Mr. Mellon's friends by spongeface_xd
coke=pepsi (at least I think so) by spongeface_xd
Favorite Projects
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Bad Habits By Ed Sheeran by OOFNESSSS
Cody Jinks-Loud and Heavy remix by tem192508
Firework katy perry by Cindypelt2123
belly ache by NattyDilly
wings of fire theme songs by coolcoder113
WoF Theme Songs Pt 2 by coolcoder113
billie eilish lovely by green_awesome
Wings of Fire theme songs by coolcoder113
Alan Walker - Spectre by _w_
Faded-Alan Walker by DreamyDragon
CATCH THE BASEBALL (BananaMan Project) by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Wings of Fire Write A Letter To Whiteout by Crazylittlekk
Wings of Fire Quiz: Write a letter to Tsunami by Moonlight183
Wings of Fire Quiz: Write a letter to Moonwatcher by VulpixV
Wings Of Fire Game by HeidiEn
Wings Of Fire Theme Songs by frostdarkforestcat
Make your own drum music by spongeface_xd
WW2 Risk Game by OJAMES2
chair by -TheGreenNinja-
School Builder Idle by HannaMouse1
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
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Duck n Joe Series!
CoR: sandcat
this is for braveowl21 cuz he needs to more studios
messaging wall
Rebellion against fortnite (read desc)
Braveowl21 Q and A
LE BIG UPDATE (I'm moving back to Azzz)
Skateboarder Studio (Read Desc)
The Intro And Followers Studio
Failur3_K1D Fan Club (Read Desc)
Prodigy and Scratch Players Club
Anti Violent Game Club
Berricake's Official Fan Club ❧
Curator iornmanfan100 is hacked.
spongeface_xd fan club (I don't have fans oof)
0616015159 fan club Studio (read disc)
share the love for scratch
may the 4th be with u
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